Why you should be using images in your Facebook posts


Did you know that photo posts on Facebook receive more engagement than links, videos or text-only updates?


According to a recent survey, posts which are accompanied by images actually account for 93% of the most engaging posts on Facebook – meaning that you should always try and include an image with your post!

Recent research has also shown that photo posts on Facebook receive 104% more comments AND 84% more click-through’s on links than text only posts.

Why have photo posts become so popular? Many are attributing it to the continuing success of Pinterest and Instagram. The main reason? They catch users’ attention when scrolling through their newsfeed.

Here, we list 3 tips to make sure your photo stands out from the crowd.


1. Mobile is king

facebook mobile

Facebook recently reported 48% of users on any giving day are accessing Facebook from mobile, and ONLY mobile.

This week it was also announced that mobile-only users on a monthly basis now stand at 254 million people. That’s a big proportion of people!

With this in mind it is important to ensure that your images are always mobile-friendly and that they are mobile optimised. 

On mobile, Facebook’s recommended image size is 560×292. Images smaller than this will be resized to 100×100 pixels.


2. Let your photo do the talking


Self-explanatory photos work best. 

Such as this superhero dog:

Dog meme










 Don’t make it difficult for users to understand, you want them to ‘get it’ straight away and hit that share button!


3. Bigger is better


Finally, when choosing your photo…think big!facebook-magnifying-glass

Why? Because larger images tend to receive more engagement on Facebook. 

It is also important to remember that the majority of Facebook users are now browsing via mobile – which means smaller screens. 


Next week: ‘Make the most of your cover photo’