Every summer we host our popular ‘USA Summer Soirée’. This is our largest event with over 200 Irish and international attendees. No other event attracts such a large number of US suppliers to Ireland.

The 2025  ‘USA Summer Soirée’ will be held on  10th July (Provisional) in the 5* Marriott Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin 2. This dinner event is invite only. To read what past attendees thought, click here.

Dateusa summer soiree

Thursday 10th July 2025 (Provisional)


5* Marriott Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin 2

Running Order

  • Wine reception and formal networking
  • Dinner and speeches in the Goldsmith Hall
  • Informal networking in a local Dublin bar

Dress code

This a formal dinner event so smart dress is advised.


To sponsor an event, request an invitation or book a table contact, michael@travelmedia.ie, +353 (0)86 8583585.

There is no charge for invited media to attend. Members of the media can RSVP to colm@travelmedia.ie