The Canary Islands, a Pet-friendly Destination

The beaches in the Canary Islands are much more enjoyable in the company of those you love the most: with your partner, family, friends or even your most faithful companion – your dog. If you want to take a swim with your pet, you can do so on ten beaches for dogs on the islands of Gran Canaria, La Palma, Tenerife, and Lanzarote. 

Credit: The Canary Islands

Pets are part of the family, so we try to avoid leaving them behind when we go on holiday. They can enjoy the fun too! That’s why it’s important that the place we choose makes it easy for us to stay with our furry friends. The Canary Islands definitely meet those criteria. In the Archipelago you will find everything you need to enjoy with your pet. Take note!

Los Tres Peos

This sandy beach is located in Agüimes (Gran Canaria) a few meters from the southern end of Playa de Vargas, one of the great windsurfing meccas in the world. Playa de los Tres Peos is a small cove of golden sands sandwiched between two rocky ledges that is about 300 meters long.

Credit: The Canary Islands

Playa de Bocabarranco

This dark sand beach occupies the mouth of the Barranco de Jinámar, a point that marks the border between the municipalities of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Telde. It is a semi-urban area and has the services to go with it. This is a large beach of almost 1,000 meters in length and an average width of more than 60 meters.

Credit: The Canary Islands

El Puertito

The area for dogs of this beach is located at the southern end of this huge dark sand beach situated on the southeast coast of Tenerife. This was the second dog beach to open in the Canary Islands and 200 meters of swimming and recreational areas have been set up for dogs. One of the great advantages of El Puertito is it being an urban beach, with all the services that can be expected from this type of space. The calm waters are another bonus of this Tenerife beach.

El Confital

This is one of the secret beaches of Tenerife. It is a small sandy area about 150 meters long located to the south of Playa de La Tejita. Very close to this place is the famous El Pirata beach bar. El Confital also has a range of services and commodities.

Las Coloradas

Las Coloradas beach, located at the south of Lanzarote, is knowed for its volcanic sand and warm turquoise waters. This small enclave in the municipality of Yaiza it is also a haven of peace and tranquility you can enjoy with your dog. There is also a promenade with hotels, restaurants and bars where you can enjoy the day.

Credit: The Canary Islands

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