Just when people have managed to get their head around Periscope and Meerkat, along comes Blab, the newest kid on the video streaming block, to shake things up. So what is Blab?
To put it simply, Blab is like Periscope for groups, with a sprinkle of Google Hangouts and Twitter thrown into the mix. As we all know by now, video and video streaming apps have exploded in 2015 and this trend looks set to continue well into 2016.
After finally getting tired of seeing social media friends posting about it and wondering to ourselves ‘what is Blab?’, we sent Niamh Waters off to investigate.
What you need to know
“Isn’t Blab one of Bebo’s new offerings? This fact had me sceptical – mainly because I associate Bebo with my rebellious, spotty, teenage days – maybe Blab was Bebo’s older and more sophisticated sister? Either way, over the space of seven days, I threw myself into Blab and all that it had to offer. Here are are my two cents on the latest social media craze …
- Blab is the creation of Michael Birch, the founder of social networking site Bebo
Blab categories - Blab is still in Beta stage and can be accessed on Android via Chrome on https://blab.im/ or by using the iOS app – which is available in the app store
- Signing up and logging in is easy – Blab is accessed by using your Twitter credentials, meaning your Twitter information will also be pulled into Blab
- Blab allows four people to simultaneously video chat as an audience watches. This audience can also comment in a stream and become one of the four video chatters by requesting to ‘join group’. The group host can then request or deny you joining
- The Blab homepage features all of the chats that are currently ‘On Air’. You can also watch ‘Replays’, or subscribe to ‘Scheduled’ Blabs
- Blab allows you to select what type of Blab you would like to watch i.e. general, business, social media, cooking, beauty etc
- Starting a new Blab is simple. Title the Blab that you would like to host, give it some category tags, select if you want to go live ‘Now’ or ‘In The Future’ and away you go
- If the topic of your Blab starts to change throughout your conversations with people then you can simply change the topic. This keeps Blab users on the homepage updated with what you are chatting about
- If you would like to have a ‘Replay’ available of your Blab, you can do so by using the record button. Your Blab can be recorded for 6 hours
- Blab was only launched in April 2015 so is still very young – I expect lots of growth and LOTS of great things for this app over the next few months
Hopefully, that answers the question ‘What is Blab’, but let’s take a look at how it works and what it might be useful for.
Blab as a marketing tool
Unlike a lot of other apps that have been launched in the last few years, Blab is extremely easy to figure out and use. As a marketing tool, Blab has a lot of scope for things like customer engagement, customer help, market research, interviews and live webinars.
Blab is also very useful for engaging with your peers, especially if there is a hot topic or issue that is currently affecting your industry. Blab could also be very effective as a networking tool ahead of a conference or event as a way of getting to know your fellow attendees.

No limits
While I was snooping around on Blab I saw all sorts of conversations taking place, from like-minded people talking about their favourite music, to a radio host holding open auditions for his show, there were even guitar lessons and public speaking coaching sessions taking place – Blab really does offer a whole world of possibilities!
If you are thinking about hosting your first Blab then be sure to log on and watch a few Blabs first. Getting familiar with the platform will definitely help you before you jump straight into hosting.
Expert opinions
We asked a few social media experts, who have jumped straight into using Blab, what they thought of it. Here is what they had to say.
“Blab has definitely helped to cement some of my online relationships. Well thought out and planned content is essential. Some of the Blabs I have seen have been very unfocused. Map out what you want to discuss, how it will help the audience and how you are going to invite others in. Also, acknowledge the people who have turned up and leave comments.” – Jenny Brennan, JennyBrennan.me
“If you want to look ahead at the future of social media start engaging on live streaming apps such as Blab. The best way to build relationships is in person, the second best way is interacting live on video!” – Ian Cleary, Razor Social
“Make sure to create an ‘agenda’ of sorts and add value. Have a purpose and be professional.” – Dorien Morin-van Dam, More in Media
My thoughts? I am very excited by this new addition to the video streaming world. Easy to use, easy to share and easy to access – Blab offers marketing professionals the chance to connect with their peers and customers in a way that is unique, personable and memorable. Being able to record your Blabs also gives you the chance to build up some great content which you can share and re-share. What are you waiting for? Get Blabbing!”
Have you used Blab? What did you think? Tweet us @TravelMedia_ie and let us know!