The ULTIMATE cheat sheet for Facebook admins

As any Facebook admin will know, getting your graphics correct for Facebook can be a bit of a nightmare. Cover photos, profile pictures, images for adverts, images for promoted posts, thumbnails for videos – the list is endless.

This is in addition to things like desktop v’s mobile image sizes, right column v’s desktop newsfeed and the 20% text limit on sponsored images.

Internet marketing firm TechWyse decided it was time to give a helping hand to weary Facebook admins the globe over, and so, in November 2013 they created an infographic detailing the specifications for Facebook ad and image sizes.

In the little over a year since the last cheat sheet was released, much has changed, so the company have now released an updated cheat sheet infographic. This updated infographic contains every ad and image spec that a Facebook page admin needs to stay current.

What do you think of this infographic? Tweet us @TravelMedia_ie and let us know!


View the original infographic here.