On Friday, Prime Minister the Hon. Mia Amor Mottley, announced that Barbados has reached a milestone in its fight against COVID-19. There are no more active cases of COVID-19 in Barbados, and effective July 1, 2020, all curfews will be lifted. The Prime Minister made the announcement during a press conference at Ilaro…
Barbados Bars Lead the Way With Food Offering
Fáilte Ireland recently announced the guidelines for reopening pubs, as Ireland’s COVID-19 lockdown eases. These guidelines detailed that pubs which serve food may reopen on Monday, June 29th, while pubs that don’t serve food must wait until July 20th. The rules also state that customers drinking alcohol must also eat a substantial meal, costing at…
Universal Orlando Resort – The Family Holiday of a Lifetime
As countries begin to reopen borders and dreams of travel start to become a reality once more, now is a perfect time to get planning your dream 2021 family getaway with American Holidays. Universal Orlando Resort is the ideal family holiday destination and recently announced the reopening of selected hotels as of 2nd June. In…
La Gomera Chosen to Pilot a Spanish Track and Trace App
At the end of June in La Gomera, the Government of the Canary Islands will pilot a track and trace COVID-19 app in collaboration with the Canary Islands Health Service, Spain’s Ministry of Health, Spain’s Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence, and the European Directorate-General for Innovation and Technological Support (ITEC). The aim…
The Cuisine of the Canary Islands: Where Europe, Africa and America Meet
It’s often said that the Canary Islands are a miniature continent, not only because of its range of landscapes, but also the rich cuisine that each of the islands has to offer. From the fresh seafood of the north, to the modern fusion restaurants of the south, take your taste buds on a gastronomic journey…
France Re-Opening Plan
Due to the improved health situation in France and in Europe, and in accordance with the European Commission’s recommendations, at midnight (0:00, Paris time) on 15th June, France lifted all restrictions on movement at its European internal borders (land, air and sea), which were enforced in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. From 15th June,…
Applications for the Portuguese Tourism Schools are Now Open
Through its network of 12 schools, the Portuguese Tourist Board trains more 3,000 students per year, contributing to the competitiveness and quality of the service provided by the country’s tourism sector. The Portuguese Tourist Board is delighted to announce that applications to the Portuguese Tourism Schools are now open, until July 15. Both national and…
All Business in Barbados to Re-Open from Monday, June 15th
All businesses in Barbados have been given the all clear to reopen on Monday, June 15, 2020 following the country’s restriction of various services in the fight against COVID-19. Prime Minister of Barbados, the Hon. Mia Amor Mottley, made the announcement stating that the decision was made based on public health recommendations, in conjunction…
Eiffel Tower Re-Opening Plan
After more than three months of closure, the Société d’Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel (SETE) has announced the Eiffel Tower’s reopening starting on Thursday, June 25, 2020. With this, strict measures will be enforced to protect the health of all the monument’s visitors and workers. Patrick Branco Ruivo, general manager of the Société d’Exploitation de…
Turismo de Portugal launches Clean & Safe Platform
Press release date: 12th June 2020 The Portuguese Tourist Board has launched an official platform to allow tourists to search for establishments which have adhered to the Clean & Safe stamp, a health and safety measure established earlier this year by the tourist board, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Developed by Infraspeak, with the support of…